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The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard

Nearly all Linux distributions are compliant with a universal standard for filesystem directory structure known as the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). The FHS defines a set of directories, each of which serve their own special function.

The forward slash (/) is used to indicate the root directory in the filesystem hierarchy defined by the FHS.

When a user logs in to the shell, they are brought to their own user directory, stored within /home/. This is referred to as the user’s home directory. The FHS defines /home/ as containing the home directories for regular users.

The root user has its own home directory specified by the FHS: /root/. Note that / is referred to as the “root directory”, and that it is different from root/, which is stored within /.

Because the FHS is the default filesystem layout on Linux machines, and each directory within it is included to serve a specific purpose, it simplifies the process of organizing files by their function.

FHS Structure

/ (root)











The /usr directory has very interesting origins. At the time of formation, it was supposed to act like the /home directory, but when people ran out of space on /bin, they started storing the non-essential binaries in /usr. You can read the whole story here.

Over time, this directory has been fashioned to store the binaries and libraries for the applications that are installed by the user. So for example, while bash is in /bin (since it can be used by all users) and fdisk is in /sbin (since it should only be used by administrators), user-installed applications like vlc are in /usr/bin.

This way /usr has its own hierarchy just like the / (root) did.






The case for /usr merge – Is there really a difference between /bin and /usr/bin?

The need for moving non-essential binaries to a different folder historically arose from a lack of space in the /bin hard disk. However, that was 1971. Today over 50 years later, we no longer face the same size problems. This has rendered two separate folders for default and user-installed binaries useless. Over time this has also caused a hodge-podge in the filesystems, with both the directory having redundant binaries which makes it confusing.

For this reason, over the years, many distributions (Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Arch etc.) have merged /usr/bin and /bin in the same directory.

Similarly /usr/sbin – /sbin and /usr/lib – /lib have been merged into the same directory to simplify the directory structure. Now the /bin folder is just a symlink to the /usr/bin directory and the same for other merges.

You can read more about the discussion regarding these merges here and here.





/sys (distro specific)



/root (optional)

/lost+found (ext4 feature)


Since 1993, the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard has been the guideline for Unix-like directory structures. It requires the root directory partition to contain all the files the system needs for booting and mounting additional partitions.

In 2015, FHS was integrated into the Linux Standard Base (LSB) and is now maintained by the Linux Foundation. To read more about the current FHS standard, I highly recommend checking out the full text of the last release in 2015. Keep exploring!