Hackathon - Linux

Mastering Linux

View the Project on GitHub ricmmartins/fasthack-linux

Challenge 02 - Handling directories

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In this challenge you will learn how to perform common directory operations such as displaying your current directory and listing directory contents.

Success Criteria

  1. Confirm you can see your username under the home folder (~)
  2. Confirm you are in the /home directory (~)
  3. Validate you are in the / directory
  4. Confirm you can list the files under the /
  5. Confirm you can see the long list with details from / directory
  6. Confirm you are listing the content of your home directory (~) and not from root directory (/)
  7. Confirm you can see the hidden files from your home directory (~)
  8. Validate if you were able to create the directory tree using a single command
  9. Confirm if you are seeing a recursive list of the content from your home directoy (~)
  10. Validate if only directories are being listed within your home folder (~)

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